Course Outline: Management Information System (Spring 2017)


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Marks Distribution 

Attendance and participation (10 Marks): ■■ Rule 1: A student may leave the classroom after giving the attendance if s/he has a legitimate valid reason to do so. Full marks of attendance for that day will be given, provided that the student does not take this advantage on a regular basis. ■■ Rule 2: Any activity that destroys the learning environment in the classroom or prevents others from paying attention will be considered as non-participation, which may result some deduction of marks from attendance. 

Quizzes and Class Tests (10 Marks): Students are advised to attend all the quizzes and tests. 

Project (10 Marks): This will be a group-work (individual projects are also accepted, if any student wishes to do so). Each group will build a unique computer program for a very specific purpose. This program will be written in VB6. 

Midterm Exam (30 Marks): Syllabus – Chapter 1 to 4.

Final Exam (40 Marks): Syllabus – Chapter 5 to 8.

Course Materials and Resources

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